If you need to customize your menu items, for example attach an icon to each item, you can use the wpak_navigation_items filter.
On PHP side (in a php file in your app theme’s php folder) :
add_filter( 'wpak_navigation_items', 'wpak_add_menu_icons', 10, 2 ); function wpak_add_menu_icons( $menu_items, $app_slug ) { //Each menu item correspond to a component. // > We target each menu item by its component's slug // and add an "icon" entry to each menu item: $menu_items["my-item's-component-slug"]["icon"] = "/my/icon/url"; $menu_items["my-other-component-slug"]["icon"] = "/my/other/icon/url"; return $menu_items; }
Then on your app theme’s side, in menu.html template:
<% _.each( menu_items, function( menu_item ){ %> <% //use menu_item.icon to display your icon %> <% }) %>