On Android, when you’re on your home/default app screen, you may want to exit the app when you hit the device’s back button.
Here’s a snippet to add to your theme’s functions.js that allows to do that:
document.addEventListener("backbutton", onBackKeyDown, false); function onBackKeyDown() { //Retrieve app's history var history = App.getHistory(); //Check that there's only one screen in history (the current one): if ( history.length === 1 ) { //Check that this element is the default (home) screen: var history_screen = history[0]; if ( TemplateTags.getDefaultRouteLink().replace('#','') === history_screen.fragment ) { //Only one element in history and this element is default screen: exit app on back button: navigator.app.exitApp(); return; } } //History has at least one previous element: just go back to it: navigator.app.backHistory(); }