Re-activate Crosswalk
WP-AppKit version 1.5.2 has dropped support for CrossWalk. If you need to re-activate it for your app you can add the following to any php file in the php directory…
WP-AppKit version 1.5.2 has dropped support for CrossWalk. If you need to re-activate it for your app you can add the following to any php file in the php directory…
On Android, when you’re on your home/default app screen, you may want to exit the app when you hit the device’s back button. Here’s a snippet to add to your…
If you need to customize your menu items, for example attach an icon to each item, you can use the wpak_navigation_items filter. On PHP side (in a php file in…
When adding notifications to your iOS app using the WP-AppKit Pushwoosh Addon, you may need to know your device push token. If you use Xcode you can get it from…
To create a custom app screen that is rendered using a custom template: //In functions.js: App.addCustomRoute( ‘my-custom-screen-fragment’, ‘my-custom-screen-template’ ); //Note: no final .html for the template name here! This creates…
As explained here Post List components queries can be customized using the wpak_posts_list_query_args filter hook. Here’s how to define a component (slug my-component-slug) that gets posts from 2 categories (my-first-category-slug and my-second-category-slug)…
As explained here Post List components queries can be customized using the wpak_posts_list_query_args filter hook. Here’s how to customize a Post List component (slug my-component-slug) query so that the posts can be…
We are in the process to add Progressive Web Apps support to WP-AppKit. And guess what? You can test this new feature right now.
By default, WP-AppKit allows to have post list as homescreen but sometimes we need more. Boost your skills by Learning to create a customized homescreen for your app.