Your license lasts for a year. After that period, it will expire automatically.
What happens if a license is not renewed?
You won’t be able to use Pro Support.
Will my extension work with an inactive or expired license?
Yes. The license allows you to use Pro Support to get help (ie. create tickets).
Can licenses be renewed early or late?
Yes. Renewing early will extend your license from its previous end (giving you two full years). Renewing late will give you one more year beginning from your point of renewal.
Is there a discount for renewing?
Yes. If you renew your full year support package, you’ll receive a 30% discount. Coupon codes or other promotional discounts do not apply to renewals.
If I have Live and Testing servers, do I need to activate my license on both sites?
No, you should only activate your license on your Live site. You may still install your extension on your Test server and use it without an active license.
How do I renew my license?
- Go to the Pro Support product page on our website.
- Click Purchase.
- Click the Click to renew an existing license link and enter your license key.