What if you wanted to let users bookmark posts they want to read later? What if they could read these bookmarked articles even when they’re offline? That’s exactly what our new add-on Favorites for WP-AppKit is done for.
As soon as you activate Favorites for WP-AppKit, it will add the possibility:
- to bookmark a post from post list
- to bookmark a post from post detail
- to access the list of bookmaked posts from the Favorites special screen
Of course users will be able to unbookmark posts and even empty the whole bookmark list. Even more powerful, bookmarked posts are available offline.
In the latest release of WP-AppKit (version 1.5.3), the Q for Android theme is already compatible with the Favorites for WP-AppKit add-on. (This is where screen captures come from.) You will be able to add the favorites feature to your apps thanks to the add-on’s API, fully documented here.
The Favorites add-on for WP-AppKit is available here